Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Run Before You Get Wrinkles.

Dating A Married Man, Are We?

So.. You knew he was married, but you just couldn't help yourself. He was so fine. He looked at you and it felt so right, and when you got together it was magic! He's attracted to you the same way you're attracted to him and you don't even have a motive. It's gotta be written in the stars somewhere... You loved each other so quickly.

He's been married for about ten years, right? Give or take. He & his wife don't even sleep in the same room anymore because they just can't stand each other. It's been like that for years... Although they have a few young children. In the back of your mind, you ignore the obvious and believe him. You want to, because he's already told you everything you've never heard anyone else say about your body. Who knew all of those flaws were jewels in a treasure chest?! All these compliments must be true! You didn't feel your self esteem hit you in the head before it shot through the roof, but it did.

He's such an honest man. Always does what's he's supposed to. Works so hard to be an excellent provider. He's human too, needs physical love and you think he deserves it. So you give it to him. He only stays in an unhappy relationship because he cherishes his kids. What a great father. To put them first, so righteous. He must be the best parent in the world to choose them over your precious self and to stay with this woman who is so horrible to him. You even admire him for it. Still, you feel it's such a tragedy that you can't really be together. So you behave yourself, hoping he'll see you as the perfect, sweetest woman and decide to maybe... If dreams do come true... Leave his wife for you as soon as the kids are grown. 

Babe, this is what's going to happen:

If his wife isn't pregnant right now, she will be next week. She's not stupid, and she loves her man. Throw away the calendar you've been marking. No more need to count down the days until the kids you know about have their 18th birthdays. When you find out about the new one, you will muster up a selfish courage and ask "Why are you having another baby?!" in an impatient voice. He is going to tell you that it is none of your business how many kids he and his wife have or will have. It's going to break your poor little heart. You didn't even know he was capable of saying something so cruel to you. He might mend it with words later, but if you stick around and keep waiting, his future excuse will be that he can't leave... Because of the grand kids. Run before you get wrinkles.

He might really love you, but I promise he loves your golden pussy AND his family more. Variety is the spice of life, and he's been eating steak & potatoes everyday for the past ten years. You'd be dying for some pizza too. He wants your apple pie like a gentleman on death row wants freedom. He got a taste and he loves it to death. He is trying to kill you. Your soul, that is. You see, if he breaks you down enough, the miracle of having his cake and being able to eat it too will occur. He is bored and you are his entertainment. You like watching the circus, don't you? But you have no desire to get up and join in, do you? Neither does he, and he never will.

With love always,
-F. Tate

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